Current Affairs

A Scannable QR Code Appears in the Sky in China

A scannable QR code appears in the sky above China’s Shanghai: Drones in China created a scannable QR code that, when scanned, allowed users to download a video game. The future of advertising is here!

The lit scene was made possible thanks to 1,500 computer-controlled drones that were utilized by the hugely well-known Chinese video-sharing and streaming website Bilibili as part of a two-minute light show to commemorate Princess Connect’s first anniversary in China! Re: Dive, a 2018 release for the role-playing video game genre.

Bilibili created a movie showcasing various drone formations, including “happy birthday” messages and images of game characters. The final element of the demonstration was the QR code, which when scanned directs users to the games download website.

Some individuals voiced their displeasure as the display’s photographs began to circulate on social media, referring to it as dystopian light pollution. Others, namely those in the marketing and advertising industries, thought it was breathtaking. And a lot of people said they were unsure of their opinions because it appeared to be both cool and unsettling at the same time. A scannable QR code appears in the sky above China’s Shanghai by drones, what a strategy to advertise..!!

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