Health & Fitness

Health Benefits of Jujube Fruit (Ziziphus Mauritiana)

Jujube (‘Ber’ in urdu) is considered as apple of poor. Apple fruit’s cost is little bit higher and some varieties of apple are not in buying range of poor. So Jujube considered an alternative of apple for poor. Normally jujube fruit has three major kinds, Pewandi (Graft) Jujube, Seed Jujube and Wild Jujube. Before we come to the health benefits of jujube we should know little bit about jujube kinds. So following is some detail about each kind of jujube.

Graft Jujube

These jujubes are delicious and larger in size. Upper appearance of these jujubes is green and inner side is white. These Jujubes are called graft because they are grown up through budding instead of seeds.

Seed Jujube

Seed jujube is of round shape and small in size as compared to Graft jujube. Seed jujube tastes sweet and sour and is of red color. These are called seed jujube because they are grown up through seeds.
Seed Jujube

Wild Jujube

Wild Jujubes are smaller in size just like pea size. These jujubes have a sour taste and mostly found in mountain areas. Their trees are just like bushes and have more thrones than leaves. Goats and sheep love to eat wild jujube bushes.

Health Benefits of Jujube

Jujube fruit contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and protein. Jujube fruit gives instant energy because it contains glucose read for energy. There are many health benefits of jujube, following are some major health benefits of jujube.

Jujube for Blood

Jujube acts as an antibiotic for blood and kills the blood germs. Jujube cleans and freshens the blood and makes the whole body fair.

Jujube for Healthy Shiny Hairs

For healthy and shiny hairs jujube leaves are boiled in water and this water is used for washing hairs. This water also removes dandruff and strengthen hairs.

Jujube for Stomach Health

One of the major health benefits of jujube is stomach health. Jujubes are found to be an effective ingredient for improving digestive system. Dry jujubes are much effective for diarrhea. Jujube fruit improves the weak digestive system and strengthen stomach.

Intestine Health

Intestine health is another one from major health benefits of jujube. Jujube fruit is good intestine proper function. Sweet jujube fruit juice is effective to kill intestine worms that are the major reason for weakness.

Jujube for Bones

When talking about health benefits of jujube we cannot ignore its role for our bones. Jujube fruit is also useful for broken bones, and inner muscle or flesh injury. For this purpose seeds of jujube are crushed and boiled in water until it becomes a thick fluid. This thick fluid is pasted on bones injury and for other inner flesh injury.

Jujube for Wounds

Jujube is also effective to dry up old wet wounds. For this purpose jujube tree or bush is dried up and ground to make powder which is sprinkled over wounds to dry them.

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