Health & Fitness

How to Straight Curly Hair The Easy and Natural Home Remedies

Looking beautiful is the wish of everyone. It should be, as most people take their first impression from your look. When we are talking about the look, then how we can forget the hair? An integral part of your face’s beauty. The style and shape of hair make the personality as well as the face beautiful. Curly hair is not the problem. But some people found that curly hair is not suiting their personality. So how to straight curly hair? Is there any easy method that can be applied easily at home, the answer is yes.

This article is especially for those, who think that curly hair is restricting their personality and beauty. Many creams and gels are available in the market, but all have some kind of negative effect on hair health. Here are easy methods to straighten curly hair with natural ingredients, which will smooth and straight the hair and also will produce a positive effect on hair health.

Coconut and Lemon:

Coconut water makes the hairs soft. But straightening the hair, alone is not enough. Mix the coconut water with lemon water in a cup. Let this mixture stay overnight. You will find a creamy layer on this mixture in the morning. Collect this creamy layer and apply this to your hair and cover your hair with a hot towel for a few hours. After that wash the hair. You will find the clear difference, by observing smooth and straight hairs on your head.

Hot Oil

Hot oil always produces a healthy effect on hair. Mix the coconut oil and Almond oil in equal proportions. Let this mixture be hot on fire for a few minutes. Keep in mind that just make it slightly warm. Then apply this mixture to your hair and cover it with a towel for 45 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo. Daily application of this mixture will straighten and smooth your hair, you will find a clear difference within a few days of application.

Flax seed, conditioner

If you want to prepare a natural conditioner, that makes your hair smooth, straight and soft. Then you will not find a better conditioner than this natural conditioner of flax seeds. It is also very easy to prepare it. Take half a cup of Flax seed, and keep these seeds in three cup of water overnight. Take this water in the morning and apply this to your hair after shampooing, as a conditioner. It will make the hair straight, smooth and soft.

Milk, Honey and Banana paste

Mix the milk with honey. Mesh the banana in a separate pot. Then mix the meshed banana with the mixture of honey and milk. The paste is ready now. Apply this paste to the hair. It may take 2 hours to dry. After drying of paste wash your hair with shampoo. A very useful method to straighten and smooth your hair.

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