Tourism & Culture

Tirich Mir Peak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Tirich Mir is the tallest mountain of the Hindu Kush range. Hindu Kush range is located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan near the Pak-Afghan border. The peak is (7,708 m) high and can easily be seen from Afghanistan. The peak is located just along the Chitral and it can be easily seen from the main market of Chitral. Tirich Mir peak adds up the beauty of nature to Chitral. The peak has a special reference with Chitral so both beauties are added up to create a wonderful area. 

Tirich Mir is the 33rd highest mountain in the world. The name of this mountain is believed to be originated from “King of Tirich” because Tirich is a neighbor valley of Mulkhow valley of Chitral which passes up to the peak.

tirich mir camping
Tirich Mir Camping

Actually Tirich is the name of last village of Chitral which has to passed when reaching the peak. The peak has a long shadow towards Wakhan side. In Wakhi language Tirich means the darkness and mir means king so Tirich Mir means the king of darkness or shadow. First time the tirich mir peak was climbed by four Norweigian climbers, Arne Naess, H. Berg, P. Kvernberg and Tony Streather.

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