Science & Technology

Tests for Lipids (Preliminary Test and Confirmatory Test)

Tests for Lipids


Preliminary Tests for Lipids

Test Experiment Observation Conclusion/Result

Spot Test

Poured one or two drops of original solution with the help of a dropper on a filter paper and allowed it to dry. A fine greasy spot appeared on the filter paper Lipids are present


Slowly heated 2-3 ml of original solution in a test tube. No precipitate formation Proteins are Absent

Iodine Test

Took 2-3 drops of original solution and then added a few drops of iodine solution. The solution does not turns its color Carbohydrates are absent

Confirmatory tests for Lipids

Test Experiment Observation Conclusion/Result

Sudan III

2-3 ml of original solution in a test tube and add 3 ml of water then add few drops of Sudan III reagent. Shake properly and allow the solution to stand. Formation of a red layer on the surface of solution in test tube Lipids are present

Oil Emulsion Test

2.5 ml of O.S. added 2.5 ml of absolute alcohol and then added 5 ml of cold water. Then shake the mixture and allowed it to stand. A white colored cloudy suspension (emulsion) is formed Lipids are confirmed

By Prof. Imran Khan

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